[The new innovation space.]
a video: jeffrandom.com/category/videos/
What is futurecasting?
- an overview of the new innovation opportunity in the digital media network
- how to stay abreast of what's going on, and how to innovate in a rapidly changing world
suggested books:
- The cyberspace lexicon...
- E-innovation
- Hyper media...
an intersting video: londonwestside.com
the inspiration timeline (media innovation)
- http:// soi.coldmedia
- soi.vizonhost.com
Nicholas Negroponte: Convegence diagram C1983 (need to find)
another ex. Bob showed us:
community < communication < personalization
dynamic media <-- user --> enhenced media
Evoluation of computer Power/Cost
McLuhan: We are driving faster and faster into the future; trying to steer by using only the rear-view mirrow.
John McHale 1969: The future of the past is the present. The future of the preset is the past. The future of the future is the present.
How to futurecast:
- analyse the present - build a "big picture"
- delphi circulars
- trend extrapolation
- historical analogy
- senario guilding
- modeling and simulation
- forecast aggregation using Google
- understanding the visionaries
- history of the next big things
- imagineering: inventing the future (a term from disney world, design, art and engineering)
- cyber space
- The medium is the massage (Marchall McLuhan, Quentin Fiore)
- concept mapping (Joseph Novac 1960s)
- Rob suggested reading: The Age of Spiritual Machines
Videos and some links:
- Zbigniew Rybcinsky: Tango (1981)
- photosynth: sea-dragon/microsoftlivelabs/virtual
- bullet-time
- Wachowsky Bros: "the Matrix" 1999
- Georges Etienne Marey: Pole Vaulter (1889)
- Artificial Intelligence: www.ai.mit.edt/projects/kismet/kismet.QT3-T1-10f.mov
- Show Crash: Bebl Stephenson
- True names: Vernor Vinge c1980
- Machinima: Text 100 in second life
- http://www.liveplasma.com/
- http://www.musicovery.com/
- Jeff Han: Ted talk
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